Wordless Wednesday



Photo Challenge of the Week – Detail

Discover the intimate details of something unexpected, and share your images with us.



My Pic of the Week



Juvenile Arthritis Month


untitledThe form of arthritis that these kids experience is not the same as grandma’s aches and pains. These children suffer from an autoimmune form of arthritis. Their body’s immune system is attacking their joints, causing swelling, stiffness and permanent damage. This condition is extremely serious; if left untreated it can result in death.

That’s right, kids get arthritis. It is a common misconception that only “old” people are afflicted with arthritis. Nearly 300,000 children in America have been diagnosed with juvenile arthritis.


This is Michigan


Detroit is known as the car capital of the world.
Alpena is the home of the world’s largest cement plant.

Rogers City boasts the world’s largest limestone quarry.

Elsie is the home of the world’s largest registered Holstein dairy herd.

Michigan is first in the United States production of peat and magnesium compounds and second in gypsum and iron ore..

Colon is home to the world’s largest manufacturer of magic supplies….

The state Capitol with its majestic dome was built in Lansing in l879.

Although Michigan is often called the Wolverine State, there are no longer wolverines in Michigan.

(However, one was spotted in 2007, so there are some. )

Michigan ranks first in state boat registrations.

The Packard Motor Car Company in Detroit manufactured the first air-conditioned car in 1939.

The oldest county based on date of incorporation is Wayne in 1815…


Everything you probably didn’t want to know about the month of July

July Facts

The 7th month of the year brings us Independence Day and Canada Day.

In the Georgian calendar, the calendar that most of the world uses, July is the seventh month. However, on the Roman calendar, it was actually the fifth month and was call Quintilis, which meant fifth. Later in 46 B.C., Caesar gave 31 days and the Roman Senates named the month Julius in honor of Caesar. In northern hemisphere, July is usually the hottest month of the year when it is actually a winter time in southern hemisphere. It gets very cold in Antarctica and cold and rainy in South America. Because there isn’t much rain in July, the grass loses its greenness. Moreover, the abundance of flowers and insects occur in July.

Below are some fun facts about July:

1. The birthstone for July is the Ruby.
2. The zodiac signs for July are Cancer (June 21 – July 22) and Leo (July 23 – August 22)
3. The birth flower for July is the water lily.
4. The month of July was named after Julius Caesar.
5. On July 1, 1867, the Dominion of Canada was established due to the British North America Act.
6. On July 1, 1898, the San Juan Hill was occupied by the American troops during the Spanish-American War.
7. During World War I on July 1, 1916, the Battle of Somme began.
8. On July 2, 1881, President James Garfield was killed by Charles Guiteau.
9. On July 2, 1890, the Sherman Antitrust Act (an Act to prohibit trusts) was passed by the United States Congress.
10. On July 5, 1971, Amendment 26 was proclaimed which set the voting age at 18 in the United States.
11. On July 6, 1854, the Republican Party held its first state convention at Jackson, Michigan.
12. On July 11, 1804, during a duel between Aaron Burr and Alexander Hamilton, Hamilton was killed.
13. The 38th President of the United States, Gerald R. Ford, was born on July 1, 1913.
14. On July 16, 1790, District of Columbia was established.
15. The first atomic bomb was set off by scientists in Alamogordo, New Mexico on July 16, 1945.
16. National Blueberry Month
17. National Ice Cream Month
18. National Hot Dog Month
19. July 1 – Canada Day
20. July 4 – Independence Day

Happy Fourth of July


Independence Day of the United States, also referred to as the Fourth of July or July Fourth in the U.S., is a federal holiday commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, by the Continental Congress declaring that the thirteen American colonies regarded themselves as a new nation, the United States of America, and no longer part of the British Empire. Independence Day is commonly associated with fireworks, parades, barbecues, carnivals, fairs, picnics, concerts, baseball games, family reunions, and political speeches and ceremonies, in addition to various other public and private events celebrating the history, government, and traditions of the United States. Independence Day is the National Day of the United States.

During the American Revolution, the legal separation of the Thirteen Colonies from Great Britain occurred on July 2, 1776, when the Second Continental Congress voted to approve a resolution of independence that had been proposed in June by Richard Henry Lee of Virginia declaring the United States independent from Great Britain rule. After voting for independence, Congress turned its attention to the Declaration of Independence, a statement explaining this decision, which had been prepared by a Committee of Five, with Thomas Jefferson as its principal author. Congress debated and revised the wording of the Declaration, finally approving it on July 4.

Also called The Fourth of July
Observed by United States
Type National
Significance The day in 1776 that the Declaration of Independence was adopted by the Continental Congress
Celebrations Fireworks, family reunions, concerts, barbecues, picnics, parades, baseball games
Date July 4

This Month in History – July


This Day in History:

1 U.S. postage stamps went on sale for the first time. (1847)

1 Taxes begin to be withheld from paychecks. (1943)

1 ZIP codes go into use. (1963)

2. President Garfield is shot. His struggle to survive lasted 80 days until his death on September 19th. (1881)

2 The Lawrence Welk show premieres on television.(1955)

3 The first cultivated strawberry is displayed by Michael Kent (1806)

4 After being displayed or over a century, the torch on the Statue of Liberty is removed so it ca be replaced. (1984)

5 Baseball great Joe DiMAggio hits his first grand slam. (1937)

5  The bikini makes it’s debut at a Paris fashion show. (1946)

6 In the very first All Star Baseball game, the American League wins 5-2. (1933)

7 The United States annexes Hawaii. (1898)

8 The U.S. State Department issues the first passport. (1796)

9 Dick Clark hosts American Bandstand for the very first time. (1956)

10 After an unsuccessful attempt to change it’s formula, Coca-Cola brings back the ever popular original formula as”Classic Coke”. (1985)

11 Former Vice President Aaron Burr kills Secretary of the Treasury Alexander Hamilton in a duel. (1804)

11 Skylab space station re-enters the earth’s atmosphere. Pieces land in the Indian Ocean and in Australia. (1979)

12 Etch-a-Sketch goes on sale. (1960)

13 The radio is patented by Guglielmo Marconi. (1898)

14  Alfred Nobel demonstrates dynamite. (1867)

14 Liquid rocket fuel is patented. (1914)

15 Vulcanized rubber is patented by Goodyear. (1844)

15 Margarine is patented. (1869)

16 John F. Kennedy Jr. dies in a plane crash off Martha’s Vineyard. (1999)

17 The Harvard School of Dentistry becomes the first dental school in the U.S. (1867)

17 The air conditioner was invented. (1902)

17 Walt Disney’s Disneyland opens in Anaheim, Ca. (1955)

18 Adolph Hitler publishes Mein Kampf (1925)

19 Samuel Colt, invented the revolver (1814)

19 Winston Churchill uses the two finger “V” for victory sign. (1940)

20 In “one small step for man, one giant step for mankind”, Astronaut Neil Armstrong becomes the first person to walk on the moon.  (1969)

21 Jesse James and his gang rob their first train (1873)

22 Bank robber John Dillon was shot dead. (1934)

22 An act of Congress restores Civil War Confederate General Robert E. Lee’s citizenship. (1975)

23 Charles E. Minches of St. Louis, Missouri fills a pastry cone with two scoops of ice cream, and the ice cream cone is invented.(1904)

23 Air Force Colonel Eileen M. Collins becomes the first woman to command a space shuttle. (1999)

24 Pres Hoover announces the Kellogg-Briand Pact which renounces war. (A lot of good that did….) (1929)

25 American forces defeat the British at the Battle of Niagara Falls (Lundy’s Lane) (1814)

25 Louise Joy Brown, the First “Test Tube” baby is born in Oldham General Hospital, UK (1978)

26 Benjamin Franklin became the first Postmaster General. (1775)

26 Mickey Mantle hits his first “Grand Slam”. (1952)

27 Bugs Bunny debuts in Warner Brothers animated cartoon “A Wild Hare” (1940)

28 World War I began. (1914)

29 Walt Disney’s “Steamboat WIllie” premieres. (1928)

30 President Lyndon B. Johnson signs the Medicare bill. (1965)

31 Mariner 6 flies past Mars (1969)


